Our Services

Looking for ways to train, support teachers in implementing effective instruction with? Check out the services we offer!

Curriculum organization, pacing, and auditing:

Tools and Training Bundle. This K-12 training bundle comes with a curriculum management tool that easily organizes and audits current resources. This fast tracked process can be accomplished in as little as 1-2 days.  The end results is a guaranteed and viable aligned to current resources in a one spot landing page. Ensure every teacher has access and visibility to state standards. 

Set up a virtual collaboration call today!

Writing to Proficiency:

This tool and training bundle includes an ELA Vertical progression for each participant as well as 2 1/2 days of training. Teachers will analyze what the standards say about writing proficiency and have K-5 (or K-12) discussions about vertical alignment expectations in the building/district. At the end of the training each grade level/content will have a clear vision of rigorous expectations as well as tools to put effective writing instruction into practice.Set up a virtual collaboration call today!

Standards-Based Grading Practices:

Ready to take your district to standards-based grading?  We can provide districts with a clear phases and action steps to make this journey possible.  Services include a 1/2 day training overview of the process to a customized contract of services days and support for teachers.  Our approach not only includes clear action steps in each phase, it also includes clear exemplars of grade cards, proficiency scales and rubrics.

Mastering Grade Level Content:

This training tool and training bundle is targeted for K-5 teachers who want to dive deeply into their grade level standards.  Each participant will receive a copy of our 4 Core grade level book (which includes proficiency for each Missouri Learning standard) paired with a 1/2 day of training.  Training will provide clarity on the level of rigor for Tier 1 instruction needed for each grade, as well as supports, strategies and graphics to support effective Tier 2 instruction for all grade level standards.  This training is ideal for new or alternatively certified teachers but can benefit any grade level teacher with the clarity and confidence they deserve.

Cost: $200 per teacher (this includes a book and 1/2 day training for each teacher).

Contact us.

The first step to a transformed education for your students is just a click away. Let us know how we can help!


Graphic that show Phase 1 of the Pathway to Curriculum Clarity.
Graphic that show Phase 2 of the Pathway to Curriculum Clarity.
Graphic that show Phase 3 of the Pathway to Curriculum Clarity.