Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are the books digital or hard copies? I wondered if this price is for both hard copy and digital?

    We have digital and hardcopy pricing. The $200 price point is just for hardcopy. We work on a tiered pricing model for digital licenses. Please let us know if you are interested in a digital quote.

  • Are ALL standards included or only what your company deems as “priority standards”? Who determines if they are a priority?

    We included all state recommended priority standards in all of our MATTs. However, in K-5 ELA, we selected a few more, but indicated they were our recommendations within the book.

  • Are there any other schools or districts that you know of that are using these that we could ask for their input about them?

    Yes, we have over 150 clients, here is a link to view them on our website.

  • What is included in the book that IS NOT available on the DESE website? Can you tell me more about how they were authored?

    While DESE items were used on the right hand side of our tool, we did vett them and chose to disregard some of the items we felt did not align. In addition, we created/added item specifications and assessment examples when there were not any provided by the state. The left hand side of our MATTs is all created by our team, we created proficiency scales levels following a Marzano format.  We unwrapped our level 2.0 more in-depth to include prerequisite skills struggling learners would need to be exposed to in order to attain level 3.0 proficiency. We also curated graphic organizers, anchor charts and activity samples for teachers. You can view examples of these scales on our product page to take a deeper look.