Informational Books Diagram


Format: PDF
Pages: 1

This graphic provides an overview of key features found in informational (nonfiction) books. It highlights elements such as headings, diagrams, labels, bold words, and captions, using a shark diagram as an example. The graphic explains how these components help present factual content, with labels pointing out various parts of a shark and a caption offering additional information. The text emphasizes that informational books are nonfiction, presenting real-world facts and knowledge.

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MLS: K.R.3.A.a 1.R.3.A.b 1.R.3.A.c 2.R.3.A.c 3.R.2.A.c 4.R.3.A.a 5.R.3.A.a

CCSS: RI.K.7 RI.1.7 RI.2.5 RI.3.5 RI.5.7

Earth Changes: Quick or Slow Graphic
R.A.C.E Strategy
Basic Shapes
Prefixes & Suffixes
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